Reveal among us the light of your presence, that we may behold your power and glory.
Readings (Click the links to see the readings)
Isaiah 40.1-11 | Psalm 96.7-13 | Matthew 18.12-14 |
Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni), Florence (?) The Nativity c. 1406–10. Tempera on wood, gold ground
Two Songs of Advent I II Listen! Listen! For I now enter your thought Prayer For your faithful prophets Reflection When God comes among us, he doesn't first of all clear humanity out of the way so that he can take over; he becomes a human being. He doesn't force his way in to dominate and crush; he announces his arrival in the sharp, hungry cry of a newborn baby. He changes the world not by law and threat but by death and resurrection. … He comes in stillness. He comes in dependency and weakness. He comes by God's absolutely free gift. Yet he comes from the heart of our own human world and life, from the womb of a mother, from the free love of Mary's heart given to God in trust. And this is mysteriously the same thing as his 'coming down from heaven'. He is utterly different, the human being who lives God's own life; he is utterly the same, like us in all things, as the Bible says. The manner of his coming tells us so many things—but not the least is that human nature, bruised and disfigured as it is by sin, is still capable of bearing the life of God. In the birth of God in flesh and blood, we see what we were made to be—carriers of divine love. And with this birth we begin our journey back to where we belong, back to God, back to what we were made to be. To live in peace and delight with God does not mean that our humanity has first to undergo such radical surgery that it barely seems human any more, that our nature has to be beaten into submission by a divine aggressor. He came all so still; he came to his own. |
Nowell sing we both all and some, anonymous c15th English carol. Nowell sing we both all and some Ex ortum est in love and liss, Nowell sing we both all and some De fructu ventris of Mary bright Nowell sing we both all and some Gloria tibi ay and bliss; Nowell sing we both all and some