Saturday 14 December

Reveal among us the light of your presence, that we may behold your power and glory.


Malachi 4 | Psalm 80.14-19 | Matthew 17.10-13 |

Healing Wings
by Elizabeth Gaye Trondsen.

You come to me.

With healing in Your wings.

Your Love washes over me.

Filling every crack.

Of my broken soul.


Sun of Righteousness,
I rest underneath your wings of love.
I dwell in your gentle heart.
There is healing in your touch.
Amen. Let it be so.


Thomas Moran (USA, 1837–1926) Unto You That Fear My Name Shall the Sun of Righteousness Arise with Healing in His Wings (1882). Water colour and pencil.

Gospel Vibes (New Zealand) — Malachi 4:2 [in Korean]

내 이름을 경외하는 너희에게는 의로운 해가 떠올라서 치료하는 광선을 발하리니 너희가 나가서 외양간에서 나온 송아지 같이 뛰리
Nay i-lum-ul kyeng-oy-ha-nun ne-huy-ey-key-nun uy-lo-wun hay-ka tte-ol-la-se chi-lyo-ha-nun kwang-sen-ul pal-ha-li-ni ne-huy-ka na-ka-se oy-yang-kan-ey-se na-on song-a-ci kath-i ttwi-li-la.

But for you who revere my name the sun of righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.

May the Lord, when he comes, find us watching and waiting. Amen.