Reveal among us the light of your presence, that we may behold your power and glory.
Readings Malachi 4 | Psalm 80.14-19 | Matthew 17.10-13 |
Healing Wings You come to me. With healing in Your wings. Your Love washes over me. Filling every crack. Of my broken soul.
Prayer Sun of Righteousness, |
Thomas Moran (USA, 1837–1926) Unto You That Fear My Name Shall the Sun of Righteousness Arise with Healing in His Wings (1882). Water colour and pencil. |
Gospel Vibes (New Zealand) — Malachi 4:2 [in Korean] | |
내 이름을 경외하는 너희에게는 의로운 해가 떠올라서 치료하는 광선을 발하리니 너희가 나가서 외양간에서 나온 송아지 같이 뛰리 |
But for you who revere my name the sun of righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. |
May the Lord, when he comes, find us watching and waiting. Amen.