Day 32 : 2 April

Hear our voice, O Lord, according to your faithful love.

Lectionary readings (Click the links to see the readings):
| Genesis 17.3-9 | Psalm 105.7-11 | John 8.51-59 |

Day 32
Direction-finding duck, by Michael Leunig
"Let us step out of character into the unknown … "

God bless our contradictions,
those parts of us which seem out of character.
Let us be boldly and gladly out of character.
Let us be creatures of paradox and variety:
creatures of contrast; of light and shade; creatures of faith.
God be our constant.
Let us step out of character into the unknown,
to struggle and love and do what we will. Amen.
Michael Leunig


The Kitchen of Give and Take

First you must climb into the battered old
saucepan of love
Where you will marinate in the sauce of sex.
Then you shall be covered with the wine of faith,
The oil of compassion
And the salt of suffering and sin.
Now you are tossed in the pan of chaos
And seared by the flame of truth.
You are carved by the knife of compromise
And served with the spoon of duty
Onto the plate of acceptance
And garnished with the herbs of humility.
At this point you may well say grace.
Michael Leunig

R. Nathaniel Dett. Let us cheer the weary traveller. The Nathaniel Dett Chorale, dir. Brainerd Blyden-Taylor.

May God our Redeemer show us compassion and love. Amen.