Day 33 : 3 April

Hear our voice, O Lord, according to your faithful love.

Lectionary readings (Click the links to see the readings):
| Jeremiah 20.10-13 | Psalm 18.1-7 | John 10.31-42 |

Day 33
Sea shell, by Michael Leunig
"Why do we do it?"

Why Do We Do It?

Nobody seems to know
Why we do it.
Nobody seems to even ask
Why we do it.
No voice of gentle enquiry,
No bewildered cry from the street,
The sudden shout,
'Why do we do it?'
How strange!
It's as if everybody knows
Precisely why we do it,
And the reason is too obvious to mention,
Or perhaps too vile and shameful to acknowledge,
Or too silly.
Why the silence?
Do we do it because everybody else does it,
Or is it because we are afraid of not doing it?
Why do we do it?
Michael Leunig

Is a Light Shining in the Heavens? The Nathaniel Dett Chorale, dir. Brainerd Blyden-Taylor.

May God our Redeemer show us compassion and love. Amen.