
rkA privilege of operating the bookstall at a church fair is first pick at the selections! These are what I found:

John Paul II, Veritatis splendor 1993,
D. Broughton Knox, Thirty-nine article the historic basis of Anglican faith 1967,
Hans Küng, On being a Christian 1978,
Edmund Wilson, The scrolls from the Dead Sea 1957,
Giuliano Procacci, History of the Italian people 1973,
C.P. Snow, Variety of men 1969,
Giles Milton, The riddle and the knight: in search of Sir John Mandeville 2001
Paul Davies, God and the new physics 1984,
Hugh Thomas, The Spanish Civil war Rev. edn. 1965,
and Rudyard Kipling’s Just so stories for little children 1902.

I didn’t know that Kipling was an illustrator. The picture is from his tale, “The cat that walked by himself”

I also got a copy of Longfellow’s poems, which I hadn’t read; they’re so bad that I’m tempted to throw it away.