Encouraged today by my teachers, I was the cantor for the singing of Psalm 133 in our communion service on 23 Apr 2006; it was the first time that I’ve sung a solo in public since I was a boy soprano. Psalm 133 is mercifully short, but it is one of my favorites. We sang the setting by Andrew Moore from his excellent Sunday Psalm music settings for Common Worship (Mayhew, 2000) .
1 Behold how good and plea | sant it is
to dwell toge | ther in unity.
2 It is like the precious oil u | pon the head,
running down u | pon the beard,
3 Even on | Aaron’s beard,
running down upon the collar | of his clothing.
4 It is like the dew of Hermon running down upon the | hills of Zion.
For there the Lord has promised his blessing: even life, for | evermore.”
The following Trinity Sunday, I sang Psalm 29 in this lovely setting by Rosalie Bonighton. This was my second outing as cantor, so I think I’m in the groove now!
1. Ascribe to the Lord you po | wers of heaven, | ascribe to the Lord glo | ry and strength.
2. Ascribe to the Lord the honour due | to his name; | worship the Lord in the beau | ty of holiness. …
9. The Lord sits enthroned a | bove the water flood; | the Lord sits enthroned as king for | evermore.
10. The Lord shall give strength | to his people; | the Lord shall give his people the bles | sing of peace.