Notes and nonsense about anything and everything
- 100,000,000,000,000 = almost nothing
- A 2008 exhortation and thank you to Obama
- An answer fit for the Queen?
- Apostrophe agony
- Australia, business as usual
- Australian identity?
- Avoiding Lay Ministry Burnout
- Birds, bees and political ruin
- Clear desk or clear thought?
- Donald Duck, RIP
- Drop dead blogging
- Gaydar and the unscrutable
- George and James
- George unlamented
- Glorious insult
- Good exercise news
- Government funds saintly superstition
- GRB 090423 and the next 13 billion years
- Henry George and Second Life
- If you want to learn, get some sleep
- Intaxication
- Is it neat to be messy?
- It’s Time
- It’s tweedle dum and tweedle dum dum.
- Jafa in Jafaland
- Just sexercise
- Kaizen
- Kevin Rudd’s “hurry up and wait”.
- Leftist collection
- LibraryThing
- Life, love, or …
- Long Tan
- Many tongues, one Word
- McKinlay’s law of leave / McKinlay’s superannuation stricture
- Meme-o-graphed
- Mistakes
- Mortal fear of mortality
- Naked in the street
- Neutrality is hell
- Nietzschean tips for insomnia
- Not on a long weekend
- not too much vocabulary?
- Our condo (I wish!)
- Paper work
- Parting the waters
- Personality peculiarities?
- Phoenix afar
- Policy maketh the muddle
- Red book misread
- Red for fire and football
- Republic? I’m content with monarchy.
- Rudd as Calaaf
- Second Life: Aelred in wonderland
- Self cleaning church
- Singin’ in the Rain
- Smallpox , rinderpest … polio?
- So that’s the problem!
- So that’s why I can’t find my spectacles
- Spazztroids and Korean cell phones
- Taxpayers contribute $553 per pilgrim
- The car no one needs
- The chocolate teapot
- The deipnosophist
- The Dunmow Flitch
- The emperor exposed
- The energy miser
- The Roadrunner zooms to singularity
- Tick, tick, tick …
- Too many meetings are always enough
- Twitter or not?
- Umm, like … yeah, you know, no problem, but.
- Venomous nasties
- Wine infused
- Witness to the wobbling of the world