God of all mercy,
as we hear again Jesus’ parable of the Samaritan who showed mercy,
it would seem right to pray that you would
open our eyes to see people’s deepest needs,
– and move our hands to feed the hungry.
It would seem right to pray that you would
touch our hearts to bring warmth to the despairing,
– and welcome strangers generously.
It would seem right to pray that you would
teach us to share our possessions with those in need,
– and offer care to all who need our love.
But it is hard for us to pray this way,
for if we did so, perhaps we
would find ourselves unable or unwilling,
for the challenge to give troubles us, and
the challenge to work wearies us.
So we ask for mercy first for ourselves.
In sharing our anxieties and our love,
our poverty and prosperity,
may we know your presence,
be filled with your love,
and be touched by the power of your Spirit,
that we may minister your mercy with joy
and your love with gladness. Amen.
(Inspired by a prayer of Canan Banana)