Fifth Sunday in Lent : 29 March

Hear our voice, O Lord, according to your faithful love.

Lectionary readings (Click the links to see the readings):
| Ezekiel 37.l-14 | Psalm 130 | Romans 8.6-l I | John 11.1-45 |

Love and fear
Graphs, by Michael Leunig.

There are only two feelings.
Love and fear.
There are only two languages.
Love and fear.
There are only two activities.
Love and fear.
There are only two motives,
two procedures, two frameworks,
two results.
Love and fear.
Love and fear.
Michael Leunig


God let us be serious.
Face to face.
Heart to heart.
Let us be fully present.
Strongly present.
Deeply serious.
The closest we may come
to innocence. Amen.
Michael Leunig

Holy Lord. The Nathaniel Dett Chorale, dir. Brainerd Blyden-Taylor.

May God our Redeemer show us compassion and love. Amen.