Many have noted that 22 November 2013 was the fiftieth anniversary of the death of C.S. (Clive Staples) Lewis (1898-1963). This prayer is from James Kiefer’s hagiography.
Almighty God, whose servant Clive Staples Lewis received of your grace singular gifts of insight in understanding the truth in Christ Jesus, and of eloquence and clarity in presenting that truth to his reader Raise up in our day faithful interpreters of your Word, that we, being set free from all error and unbelief, may come to the knowledge that makes us wise unto salvation: through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.
The prayer brings out so clearly the two aspects of Lewis’s gifts and ministry—an understanding of and love for the truth and eloquence and clarity in its presentation. How we need both! I have especially appreciated his Letters to Malcolm, chiefly on prayer, Miracles: a preliminary study, Reflections on the Psalms, The problem of pain and A grief observed. Also interesting and enjoyable is Roger L. Green and Walter Hooper’s C.S. Lewis: a biography (1974). Would that Lewis had lived longer.