- A sermon for the feast of Christ the King
- Christ-like revolution: Luke 1.39-56
- Freedom and the pillar of fire : Exodus 13:17-22
- Gifts of ability: Pentecost Sunday: Acts 2.1-21, 1 Cor 12.1-13
- Healing prayer: Luke 17.11-19 and James 5.13-18
- Healing prayer: Matthew 14.22-36
- Hearing the prophet: a sermon for the second Sunday of Advent
- Led by the Spirit
- LIstening to God
- Mothering Sunday: Ps 23, Ephesians 5.8-14. John 9.1-41
- Not with human persuasion: sharing Jesus through our local church: 1 Corinthians 2.1-5
- One flesh: Mark 10.2-16
- Peace and power: a sermon for Pentecost Sunday 2014: 1 Cor. 12.1-13; Jn 20.19-23
- Pentecost : the feast of fruitfulness
- Reading in Worship: a short course
- The abiding of the Spirit in us, the glory of the Church: Haggai 2.1-9
- The Advent challenge of peace: Malachi 3.1-14;
- The King and the city : Jerusalem on Palm Sunday : Luke 19: 28-44
- The leaves of the tree: prayer for healing
- The lover’s house: John 14.1-7; Song of Solomon 2.9-13
- The parents’ honour: the fifth commandment: Exodus 20.12
- The power of greeting : Romans 16.1-16
- The raising of Lazarus: John 11.32-44
- The Transfiguration – the glory of God revealed : Daniel 7.9-14, Psalm 97, Mark 9.2-10, 2 Peter 1.16-21
- To see the King : Revelation 21.9-14
- Walking on water: truth and impossibility: Matthew 14:22-36
- We are all exiles : Hebrews 11.8-10
- Wheat and weeds: Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43
- You do it! John 5.1-9, Acts 16.91-95